Friday, October 30, 2009

Music TGIF - Bad Music Joke(s) of the Week - Trick or Treat!

Not very Halloween, but a little dark and creepy, several Bad Music Jokes somewhat in the spirit...

What do you get when 20 violinists start playing at the same time but play different songs? A senseless act of violins.

Q: Why did they bury the conductor 20 feet under?
A: Because deep down, he was a really nice guy.

What do you call a guy with no arms or legs who can play 5 musical instruments? Stump the Band.

Why did the Philharmonic disband? Excessive sax and violins.

What do you get if Bach dies and is reincarnated as twins?
A pair of Re-bachs.

Opera: When a guy gets stabbed in the back and instead of bleeding, he sings.

AN-DANTE: A tempo that's infernally slow

And, included, of course, a definitely out-of-the-ordinary music graphic or two...