Friday, October 23, 2009

Music TGIF - Bad Music Joke(s) of the Week - The Blues

The Blues ( a long bad music joke this week)

Blues locations:

- Chicago
- St. Louis
- Kansas City
- the highway
- a crossroads
- the jail house
- dirty linoleum floor
- an empty bed

Not Blues locations:

- Disney World, or any place with the word "Disney" in it
- the mall
- gallery openings
- wine tastings
- boutique breweries

Blues Liquids/Beverages:

- wine from a box or a bottle in a sack
- cheap whiskey from a dirty glass
- a bottle or can of fine Chicago (or in the vicinity) beer, such as Schlitz, Pabst, Bud...
- muddy water (usually not for drinking, if possible)

Not Blues Beverages:

- bottled spring water, especially not French
- any mixed drink or a drink with a little umbrella in it
- anything from a Starbuck's
- boutique beer

Blues transportation:

- Chevys
- Cadillacs (only if real old)
- a Greyhound bus
- a southbound train
- walkin'

Not Blues transportation:

- German cars such as BMW or Mercedes, but VW okay if you're an old white hippy
- hot air balloons
- escalators
- Segways
- canoes

Gradient Blue Eighth Note shirt
Gradient Blue Eighth Note by chmayer
Browse more Chm T-Shirts

For more music merchandise at all related to The Blues, please visit...
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