Friday, August 21, 2009

Music TGIF - Bad Music Joke(s) of the Week - Cof5

Two Bad Music Jokes of the Week for the Musical Circle of Fifths, a.k.a. Cof5...

: When everybody hopes you're going to stop, but you don't.
Final Cadence: When they force you to stop.

(OIOW, seriously, V-I, running into the Tonic Wall, bang, El Fin! Nowhere else to go.)

Transpositions: Men who wear dresses.

Going around in circles, musically...

White Circle of Fifths shirt
White Circle of Fifths by chmayer
Buy a t-shirt online from

And, don't forget the Zazzle T-Shirt Sale this week

For more Circle of Fifths merchandise, see...
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