See these on merchandise @ New Music Graphics And, note one of the "Bass Instinct" graphics at top.
Re music, generally: 4th of July is coming. A must-hear: some J. P. Sousa music, especially brass bands (although an orchestra will do) playing "Stars and Stripes Forever." Sooo July 4th. Love it.
Still busy with music with my iPod/iTunes, who isn't...? And the nifty videos about music on YouTube. Should play *my own* instruments more often...! (That would be keyboard, guitar, and assorted other little wind things, such as recorder and harmonica. And my electronica: synthesizer, drum mach, etc. ! '80s, '90s MIDI dinosaur stuff, but cool and fun.)
Keep cool. Happy 4th. Listen to and, better yet!, make music. Enjoy!
P.S. I've started a music stuff store on Zazzle. I'll put a link here soon. I also have started a Profile Page on Facebook. Find there graphics, links, etc. to my blogs, graphics, merch, stores, etc. See photos of the merchandise with my music graphics on 'em at my Facebook Zazzle Gallery. (Yes, this needs a link here, too! Soon.) Find me on Facebook under my real name, give me a "Poke" or drop a message on me.