Check out the NEW NEW NEW section. You'll find the Tuba Guy in "gold" and black as well as in black-and-white. For the more serious (or mysterious) musicians and music lovers amongst us, find the "Authentic Cadence" (yes, I V I) merchandise in black and in gray. Find these also on black T-shirts.
In fact, check out the Black Music T-shirt section and you'll find both the "Authentic Cadence" and the Tuba Guy (find him in the Musical Instruments section). (A gray ["silver"?] tuba guy is in process for black T-shirts and, perhaps, other merch.)
I may be putting up some other cadences and chord progressions as well.
A Slice of Orange (County, CA) stores
Okay, so what have I been doing besides blogging here often enough?
*Putting together some new stores.*
Here's the beginnings (only the beginnings) of my n...
13 years ago