Music Black T-shirts! : CHM Design Store - Music Stuff & More :
This is a good way to let you see the music black shirts. Good old "Blog this."
First off, hope you're enjoying the Holiday Season, and my apologies at being away for so long!
Would you believe I've been too busy making new music graphics and merchandise? There's truth to that.
The CafePress black shirts turned out to be more beta than any of us had expected. But, the production kinks have been smoothed out, and I have become aware of what works well according to the CafePress black shirt production, and what doesn't. I've been keeping a very close eye on the situation (along with putting in my two cents in along the way, at no surprise to anyone who knows me).
Please notice the black tee cleves added and notice the brand-new musical-instrument black tees. The trombone and the trumpet have just been added in "brass" and other colors. There's new pianos and new guitars. Don't miss "Pianos Gone Wild" - for all you tigers longing for a jaguar, you cool cats. I felt compelled to put a twist on the piano ivories (elephant tusks) and made them out of elephant skin instead. A little surreal.
More and more music black tees will be coming.
With my next posting I'll show you what's new on the not-black tee side of the store's Music Stuff. More new instruments, including - getting a little wild and surreal again - the Tiger Rag Musical Instruments (why stop with Tiger Rag Piano?). But, there's still more than that...
A Slice of Orange (County, CA) stores
Okay, so what have I been doing besides blogging here often enough?
*Putting together some new stores.*
Here's the beginnings (only the beginnings) of my n...
13 years ago