Friday, July 29, 2005

Blowing in the Wind [Instrument]

The graphic. For the same reason the Circle of Fifths graphic was less than wonderful here was for the same reason. (I've got to work on improving this - as it nowhere near does justice to my graphic work.)

Again, click on the title above to get to these graphics and their merchandise. Note that there are two versions of this graphic: with a musical staff border (added by moi), and without. The "without" is shown at your left.

Aren't these guys funny? I got a big kick out of this old illustration the first time I saw it - and, I'm not even a wind player (well, a tiny bit of recorder and harmonica, know...).

The New Circle of Fifths Graphic

Not only an attractive graphic, but a handy-dandy tool for musicians, composers, and songwriters.

Actually this graphic looks much better in real life, what I did here was link to a .jpg in my store.

(I'm still learning about posting pix into blogs...)

Anyway, click the title and it'll take you to the store C of 5s, where they look much better and, you can see what merchandise they're on.

Note that this graphic also comes in a plainer B&W version, a blue version, and a very colorful version with blue, green, and pink gradients.

Friday, July 22, 2005

MUCH New Merch in Music Stuff & More!

On display on the Storefront of CHM Design Store - Music Stuff & More are some of the new music graphics which have been added recently.

Added are the cello, the oboe (much more coming), some vintage music humor, and, last, but certainly not least, three versions of the Circle of Fifths.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Nose Flutes

Nose Flutes

Nose flutes?

Anyway, check 'em out.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

New - Cello Wear! & Wares

A full selection of CafePress merchandise featuring a cello graphic is now in the "Music Merchandise" section - Music Instrument Graphics.

Find short-sleeve shirts of many kinds, other warm-weather wear, cold-weather wear (school is coming), and cello items you do not wear, such as magnets, stickers, journals, pillows, mugs, bags...

Have fun, my string-ed musical friends!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Musipedia: The Open Music Encyclopedia

Musipedia: The Open Music Encyclopedia

Much like the famous Wikipedia, but for music melodies.

I'm putting a link to this on the Music Medley Page on my website as well.

Friday, July 08, 2005


The concerts... and related goodies