Friday, September 25, 2009

Music TGIF - Bad Music Joke of the Week - Steins

So, three notes walk into a bar together - a G, an Eb, and a C. The bartender looks up and says, "We don't serve minors."

Blue Treble Clef Stein mug
Blue Treble Clef Stein by chmayer
Browse Chm Mugs

Find still more Steins, Mugs, and other Drinkware at Music Stuff & More @ Zazzle and @ CafePress (this CafePress link leads to Steins only - Music Stuff, as well as "& More", Steins. Find other drinkware - such as mugs, and so forth - elsewhere throughout this CafePress store)
Please visit Music Stuff & More
@ Zazzle
@ CafePress