Saturday, March 22, 2008

New Blue Circle of Fifths : CHM Design Store - Music Stuff & More :

New Blue Circle of Fifths : CHM Design Store - Music Stuff & More :

Check 'em out by clicking the above link - three new blue treble clef Circle of Fifths graphics.

Music as Medicine - Yahoo! News

Music as Medicine - Yahoo! News [HealthDay]

This article is yet another confirmation that music is good for you, that music is healthy.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

New Bulk Stickers, also Round Stickers

Check out the new music stickers - note the Circle of Fifths stickers, find, also, some other music stickers featured in this section featuring the new stickers.

These new stickers will soon be finding their way into the "Music Merchandise" section of the Music Stuff & More store.

Monday, March 03, 2008

The Greening of Music

GREEN is being featured in my Music Stuff & More store.

This means green music graphics and music graphics on green shirts.

(Okay, there are also not-music graphics being featured in this section, but, as the rest of this store, you'll find that the music graphics predominate.)

For the Earth-y and/or the Irish among you, you might want to take special note of all this Green.

And for the saving of the green, check out the buttons, stickers, magnets, and Value T-shirts (only $9.99) with green music graphics.