Sunday, September 16, 2007

Musical Fun w/ YouTube

I'm sorry I just couldn't resist.

My apologies if anything offensive should slip out (I take no responsibility for the quality of the contents, you know how it is on YouTube, right?).

I set the YouTube thingie for "numa numa, mario music, evolution of dance." What you see is what YouTube is sending back here.

*I* like it - and that does count for something (to me). ; )

ENJOY. Isn't that what music is mostly about, anyway?

P.S. Please note the current CafePress sale, for details see the CHM Biz News Blog headers on the left sidebar.

Or visit CafePress @ Music Stuff & More store

[Edited by chm 11/19/07]

Beethoven - Music on FoxyTunes Planet

Beethoven - Music on FoxyTunes Planet

I just discovered FoxyTunes Planet, something new (to me) brought to us by the Firefox browser folks.


I keyed in "Beethoven" and look at what came back! So much of all kinds of media - YouTube, audio (music clips), photos, text, links.

Again, wow.

Try checking out your favorite music and musicians on (no, it's not all classical...)