Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Manualism Videos - "Hand Music"

Manualism Videos - Manualism* Videosby N6TV

Manualism - music made with nothing but your hands. Maybe you've seen/heard it done on Jay Leno, or elsewhere.

Excellent manualism site here - I especially appreciated the "Hail to the Chief" (appropriate for the current president),and "Stars & Stripes Forever" (while no brass band - clever).


Killer Sound - Guns Into Guitars

Killer Sound - Kevin Sites in the Hot Zone From Yahoo! News

Check out this blog entry and see the photos of the guns turned into guitars.

That's an appealing idea - weapons into music.

Similar to the Bible's beating swords into plowshares.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Monday, April 10, 2006

Bonobo's Bongos


Some musical rhythm monkeying around.

Can you match these rhythms?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Desktop Blues

desktopblues.lichtlabor.ch (hmm, what country is that?)

Make yourself some Blues - have this virutal bluesman sing and play on his virtual guitar words and music of your own choosing.

Not very sweet home Chicago, but it'll sure do for here on the computer. Might try some of those licks on the guitar or even piano....hmmm...