Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Blue Circle of Fifths Modern Clock > Music Stuff > CHM Design Store - Music Stuff & More | CafePress

Blue Circle of Fifths Modern Clock > Music Stuff > CHM Design Store - Music Stuff & More | CafePress

More on this particular example of the new music clocks.

Note that these new "Modern" clocks have an aluminum (not merely silver-color) frame, also a second hand, and a glass front. These are "nice" clocks.

Click on the live links above for further information on this clock, as well as to purchase it.

Blue Circle of Fifths Modern Clock > Music Stuff > CHM Design Store - Music Stuff & More | CafePress

Blue Circle of Fifths Modern Clock > Music Stuff > CHM Design Store - Music Stuff & More | CafePress

CafePress New Music Clocks

Music Stuff : CHM Design Store - Music Stuff & More : CafePress.com

(From the "Music Stuff" in the "Clock Shop" in "Sales & Features" of Music Stuff & More store )

New Giant Clocks, also new silver-color "Modern" Clocks, as shown above

Best Buy to open in-store music centers | PBS

Nightly Business Report . Best Buy to open in-store music centers | PBS

(originally from AP)

The link above pretty much says it all - Best Buy stores will offer more than music CD's soon, to include musical instruments and all that goes with them. Look for popular name brands such as Fender, Gibson, and Roland, etc.

Will be quite a competition for Sam Ash and Guitar Center, but, hey, greater convenience for musician consumers.

Technorati Tags: music, musical instruments, musicians

Monday, July 14, 2008

New Beethoven, Sale, also BeZazzled

Find the "new Beethoven" here @ Music Stuff & More store

What's new about it? This Beethoven graphic is larger and also can be used on dark apparel, meaning, yes, you can now get Beethoven on a black shirt if you wish. See an example of just that below... This is a linked image, which should take you directly to where you can see a larger photo, plus buy the darn thing if you would like.

In other news, there's a sale, starting today, at CafePress of their Junior Jerseys - $4 off - while supplies last.

In still more news... I've opened up a Zazzle store called Music Stuff & More @ Zazzle @ www.zazzle.com/chmayer. Yes, you'll find many of the same music graphics you know and love from my CafePress Music Stuff & More store.

(For some strange reason "Blogger" is screwing around with my links and will not "do" the Zazzle link as I would like. "Blogger" did this at another one of my blogs. Just the same... the Zazzle link above should work just fine and get you to the Music Stuff & More @ Zazzle store, regardless.)

Please drop me a Message on Facebook if you're there - both my CafePress and my Zazzle music stores are there. Before long I'll be adding some music goodies (not merch, but items of interest) to my Facebook Profile (I'm kinda new on Facebook.)

Keep cool.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The Latest Music Graphics

New, per customer request: "here comes treble", my Traditional Basic Black Treble Clef with the quote just mentioned added, in assorted text sizes and text colors. Also, while I was in the word-play frame-of-mind, "Bass Instincts", the text added to my Traditional Basic Bass Clef, in assorted styles, the Basic Bass Clef itself remaining the same.

See these on merchandise @ New Music Graphics And, note one of the "Bass Instinct" graphics at top.

Re music, generally: 4th of July is coming. A must-hear: some J. P. Sousa music, especially brass bands (although an orchestra will do) playing "Stars and Stripes Forever." Sooo July 4th. Love it.

Still busy with music with my iPod/iTunes, who isn't...? And the nifty videos about music on YouTube. Should play *my own* instruments more often...! (That would be keyboard, guitar, and assorted other little wind things, such as recorder and harmonica. And my electronica: synthesizer, drum mach, etc. ! '80s, '90s MIDI dinosaur stuff, but cool and fun.)

Keep cool. Happy 4th. Listen to and, better yet!, make music. Enjoy!

P.S. I've started a music stuff store on Zazzle. I'll put a link here soon. I also have started a Profile Page on Facebook. Find there graphics, links, etc. to my blogs, graphics, merch, stores, etc. See photos of the merchandise with my music graphics on 'em at my Facebook Zazzle Gallery. (Yes, this needs a link here, too! Soon.) Find me on Facebook under my real name, give me a "Poke" or drop a message on me.